


Write about the following topic:


Illiteracy has traditionally been viewed as largely a third world problem.

However it is becoming apparent that in countries such as the USA and Australia, illiteracy is on the increase.


Discuss possible causes for this and its effect on society.


Write at least 250 words.


Nowadays, as education becomes a highly debated subject in media across the world, the problem of illiteracy has been brought to our attention. Apparently illiteracy not only affects countries that are underdeveloped but also those typically considered as “first-world”. It is a perplexing problem with many causes and must be recognized by all.


Historically in third-world countries, poverty and limited government funding have been directly linked to illiteracy, causing citizens to lead a less civilized and educated life. Children seldom get to enjoy the same educational resources as those living in developed countries. Education in these societies is not a high-priority issue for parents and society alike. However, as more and more cases of illiteracy surface in developed countries, other causes should be addressed. Technological advances have created too much entertainment and visual content that distract the students. Video games, television and web surfing are just a few examples that compete for students’ attention. As they become more drawn to the distracting content, they become less interested in learning.

As students continue to perform poorly in the classes, they become more likely to drop out of school and end up illiterate.


Illiteracy impacts not only individuals but also society as a whole. Illiterate individuals face the challenge of limited career opportunities, being deprived of certain citizen rights such as filing for legal cases, finding a place in the society and raising and educating their offspring. Collectively, they negatively affect the intellectual and technological progress of a society. As more illiterate individuals choose to accept a career in manual labor, the society ceases to advance and may lose its ability to compete with other more literate societies.


In all, the problem of illiteracy must be addressed in the perspective of both the individual and the collective society. It affects the current and future generations and must not be underestimated. In my opinion, wealthier countries should offer aid to those in need and collaborate on issues outside their economic interests. Furthermore, “first-world” countries should also come up with education solutions to adapt to the distraction-oriented life of the students.




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