

技术移民,自拍照雅思CAE PTE为你保驾护航

Countries such as China, India and Japan have unsustainable population growths. In fact many experts are of the opinion that the population ‘explosion’ which is now a very worrying concern, is the most serious threat to life on this planet.


Give some suggestions to address this problem.


World population has more than doubled in the last century, putting considerable pressure on our planet. Higher population leads to higher energy consumption and less living space per capita. Population ‘explosion’, or unsustainable population growth, directly affects a country’s environment as well as its socio-economic development. Several countries have experienced such phenomenon, which should be a concern for all of us.


Each country has its own limited means to accommodate a certain population size. Population explosion poses significant threat to the quality of life in aspects such as education, social welfare, medical care and human rights. For a country with a huge population body such as China, it’s almost impossible for the government to help ensure everyone to enjoy a certain lifestyle. In China, the population exposition lasting from 1950s until 1970s has created unbelievable pressure on the society for generations to come. Historically, people had to endure poverty and hunger while the country experienced shortage of harvested crops.


Unsustainable population growth not only threatens domestic life, but also exerts pressure on the external environment.  It leads to overconsumption of natural resources, creates high demands of industrial production and causes an alarming level of pollution like the emission of green house gas. In underdeveloped and overpopulated countries such as India and China, people haven’t been alerted by the grave consequences of their damages on the environment. Most of these damages are irreversible and will affect future generations.


To conclude, unsustainable population growth raises concerns about the individual quality of life, socio-economic growth and environmental consequences. Countries that are affected by such phenomenon should come up with drastic measures and perhaps a long-term plan to limit the negative impacts. Some of the initial plans should include birth controls, improved medical insurance and infrastructures and eco-friendly industrial production.






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