


Some people believe that the best way to produce a happier society is to ensure that there only small difference between the richest and the poorest members, to what extent do you agree or disagree.
The argument lies in some peoples’ belief system that only by minimize the gap between haves and haves not a happier society can be formed. I argue the “difference” mentioned in the above statement refers to commonly measurable financial difference between the rich and poor; otherwise there is no gauge for the society to measure its effectiveness in erasing the difference. Although it seems plausible at first glance, after evaluation I tend to disagree with the speakers claim somehow. First by ensuring small difference between rich and poor will not necessarily brings a happier society, also from our everyday observation a happier society are more likely to be formed with a balanced management style ensured by government.
First we imagine ourselves in the scenario proposed by the speaker-A society essentially deprived financial gap between rich and poor. Under this scenario, the government is try its best to ensure there is small gap in between its people, either through controlled economy activities or by redesigns the allocation system. Often if determined, the government is sure to succeed in bringing a society with virtually no difference among its people other than the ruling party. In this dictatorship the only rich is the power itself, hardly anyone can be happy under the suppressing terror. Some may argue other than the extreme case, a democratic government also can exert its power through democratic tax systems. However subsidy the poor from the rich is a delicate issue among our legislate system, it is an ever ongoing struggle among our regulators in trying to reach a balance state in between sustainable economy growth and unsatisfied poor. Under todays’ global capital allocation theme, by enforcing heave tax on either capital or income there is a larger chance that we end up with nationwide capital outflow with diminished hard working” high profile professional class”. It is unlikely that the “jobless poor” will be happy to see a depressed economy with lesser job opportunities as the result to excess well fare enforcement.
Also I tend to argue a happier society should not bear only financial side, a complete elimination of financial difference will be counterproductive to both “haves” and “have not”. A truly happy society should be build upon inside with a fare address on the financial inequality. For me, I suggest we need to minimize the well fare system to its minimum instead, by ensuring peoples’ survival and a equal chance in resource access, the prosperity of a society truly lies in personal fulfillment and individual difference.



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